Friday, October 2, 2009

Technology Works with Special Education!

According to Dian Seabrook, One disability that you may find in the classroom is a visually impaired student they need several different gadgets so that they are able to learn just as anyone else. One way that they will be able to learn so that they are able to comprehend is a screen reader. A screen reader is a program that puts together sounds and pictures to help explain what is being presented on a computer screen. Braille translation devices which are used to translate screen words and putting it together into readable Braille.

There are also developmentally physically challenged students that have either autism, down syndrome, or even neurological impairments. Technology is invented to help them also learn they have an adaptive student’s desk which adjust to help them with their needs this device is used to assist children with neurological impairments.
In special ed classes their also might be normal children who just have problems with reading or speaking. But there are also technolgy toy that can assist them also. Such as Leap Frog Book that reads to the student and helps them sound out and pronounce words or even also touch toys that can help them learn math or even how to spell.

No matter what the disability may be there should always be some type of technology used to help assist the student. Teaching special education may be challenging but if you incorporate some of the technology gadgets in with the lessons I am sure the classroom will be a fun place for yourself and the students.

As a (possibly) future special Education teacher I think it is very imperative for me to be aware of some of these inventions so that I am able to help my children learn without feeling uncomfortable. I don’t want my students to think that the work I am providing to them is hard I want them to enjoy it and I think with these gadgets they will be able to. Also I want the student’s parents to feel comfortable in knowing that I am helping their children no matter of their circumstance. Technology is important everywhere and everyone should be exposed to it no matter of their race, disability or age.


  1. It will be a challenge never the less to accomodate to everyone. i think the challenge is not only for the teacher but to the students before. it can be frustating and time consuming, but i think that as a teacher, if we do our best, we can really achieve our goals and aim for the best education we can give.

  2. I agree, the important thing is for students to learn. I think that these gadgets are important and we should do our best to help accommodate students for learning. I's glad you are so enthusiastic about making it happen for both the students and their parents. This helps everyone in the end.

  3. @Monta- You are correct Jose, it will be a challenge, however, the reward is tremendous! not only for the student but for the teacher as well.

    @Irene- It is supper important as you said to make this accessible to parents as well as students, this creates an environment that children can learn in.
