Friday, September 25, 2009

Have Fun With Science!

“Digital Science Video Library”, by Camillia Gagliolo, is a brilliant article about the use of an iPod as a learning tool.

Visual Learning Company has recently launched a digital video library for integrated use of science videos in elementary and middle school classrooms. The new Digital Science Videos are formatted for use with iPods and other portable video players.

This wonderful technology lets students download more than one thousand video clips available in the H.264 digital format (a video compression technology that provides high quality video in small file format). The collection of science videos clearly explains basic scientific concepts while presenting vocabulary study with interactive learning activities, such as video quizzes.

The use of this technology in a classroom brings learning to life in a portable multi-media format. This technology tool would be great to use as a teaching device because the combination of video and graphics with extensive teacher guides and interactive learning activities presents a learning toolkit that reaches out to many different learning styles and preferences. The portability of the media makes it ideal for individualized instruction and small group reinforcement.


  1. I think I have heard it all. haha, it s weird to see how an ipod can be used as educational, but in the other hand, I thik it will be like reading a book or taking a test online. Using the ipod as a teaching tool would be more of a personal growth tool, not an item I will used with my students.

  2. Wow, technology is going a really long way! Do you know if the videos are accessible to the students 24/7? If they are, I think that this serves student to watch them over again if they missed a concept. I think that students can benefit from this since this is so contemporary.

  3. @Irene- To answer your question, YES!! This means home schooler's could use this technology as well. And great point, you could listen to it over and over until you get it.
